Is Islam really that fragile?
Published on June 5, 2008 By My Views and Muse In Current Events

Ok, so today Al-Qaida claimed the Danish embassy bombing is punishment for those silly cartoons.  They also threatened that if the Danish government does not apologize there will be more bombings.  I hope the Danish government has enough backbone to just ignore the fools.

But here it is.  I am a Christian, I see attacks against Christianity in the USA all the time.  Southpark is a wonderful cartoon (according to some) that regulary pokes fun at religion etc.  Visit a art musuem in NY when they have those wonderful displays involving fecal matter and Jesus.  Yes, those types of things rile up some Christians.  I personally find no humor or art value in any of it.  That is natural, I am sure gays dislike anti-gay material, Jews dislike jewish jokes, blacks hate black jokes, etc.  But I, most Christians and other groups are not so thin skinned and fragile in our believes and positions as to feel the need to execute those who oppose.

So, is Islam in general that fragile of a religion or is this just the case of Al-Qaida being a fringe group and their feelings were hurt?  It makes me want to Google the images, and post a article with them although I suspect joeuser would remove it.  But still, I could post them on my personal website but they may not be found as easily.  However, assume this is just a fringe issue, to do that would be disrespectful of other sane muslims.



on Jun 05, 2008

Southpark is a wonderful cartoon (according to some) that regulary pokes fun at religion etc.

South Park isn't just wonderful, it's brilliant - because they poke fun at everybody - Christians, Muslims, Jews, Scientologists, Buddhists, Atheists, and pretty much every other group you can mention.

Heck, my personal faith (the LDS church) had a whole episode devoted to making fun of it. I've seen it, and I laughed like a schoolgirl.

People get too touchy. South Park helps remind them to not be so touchy. It's successful because it refuses to play favorites and nothing is sacred.

And it's crucial for the same reason.  They do more to protect your rights as a Christian than any right-wing evangelical ever has.

PS Why in the world would JU remove the images? Unless you were somehow breaking copyright laws, they wouldn't usually do that.

on Jun 05, 2008

South Park isn't just wonderful, it's brilliant - because they poke fun at everybody - Christians, Muslims, Jews, Scientologists, Buddhists, Atheists, and pretty much every other group you can mention.

I have often heard that, so I guess they make mean fun of gays and lesbians, the supidity of youth, the pursuit of things?  I would imagine so, but you never know.   Most people I know who like Southpark are very vocal in their support of it.  For me, the language and method of getting laughs is tiresome. Otherwise, to each their own.

PS Why in the world would JU remove the images? Unless you were somehow breaking copyright laws, they wouldn't usually do that.

I may be wrong but I would assume fear and complaints would be the main factor.




on Jun 05, 2008
I guess they make mean fun of gays and lesbians, the supidity of youth, the pursuit of things?

Yes, they do. Specifically, they have Big Gay Bob the stereotypical gay man, and have a whole episode about the futility of a material existence (centered around Wal-Mart taking over the world and everyone shopping there all the time).

I may be wrong but I would assume fear and complaints would be the main factor.

Fear? Never known Stardock to have much fear, and Brad couldn't give two squirts of owl poop about complaints. I say just post 'em. If they get removed, they get removed, we'll all learn a lesson.
on Jun 05, 2008

The problem you have is that the due to the issues surrounding the middle east, many people are turning to religion and fundementalisim.

This gives the Islamic ghouls who go around issueing Fatwa's and training up soldiers and jihadists more ammunition. Some Christian fundementalists would love to blow up the south park studio and let us not forget what religion did to Northern Ireland.

Religion when being used as refuge for people in dire situations is all to often subceptable to horrendous infleunces. Here in lies the issue.

on Jun 05, 2008
For the most part, I agree with Scotteh. However, using the justification that all religions do it is no reason to abide any religion doing it.

In answer to your over all question, yes, they have so little faith. And for the most part, that is all they have so anything that threatens it must be destroyed.
on Jun 05, 2008
It wont let me edit, so let me clarify. I am not contending that Scotteh is trying to justify their actions, only that some do.
on Jun 18, 2008
Heck, my personal faith (the LDS church) had a whole episode devoted to making fun of it. I've seen it, and I laughed like a schoolgirl.

I've seen that episode, and I think your church went out of that show pretty well. I mean, the final speech by the little boy was.. brillant. It teaches what a religion is all about, while Stan simply wanted to check the background for references.
on Jul 12, 2008
If I hurt or even ridiculed everyone I saw or heard defaming God's name in vain (which I consider very, very severe) I would be considered a nutcase.
on Jul 13, 2008
I would be considered a nutcase.

well I consider those people nutcase...